Dr Stephen O'Connor

Secretary: Kim
Areas of Specialty
- Cardiology
- Coronary Angiography
- Transcatheter Valvular Interventions
- Antiplatelet & Anticoagulant Therapies
- CT Coronary Angiography
- Coronary Artery Disease
Current Memberships
- Irish Cardiac Society
Dr O’Connor is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist. He completed higher specialist training in Ireland and then performed four years of clinical and research fellowship training in antiplatelet therapies and interventional cardiology in Paris, France with the ACTION study group at Institut de Cardiologie, Pitié Salpêtière University Hospital (Paris 6 – Sorbonne) and then in the Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud, Massy, Paris performing high volume coronary and valvular interventions.
Dr Stephen O’Connor is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist here at Beacon Hospital.
Dr O’Connor was previously appointed as Consultant Interventional Cardiologist in St. James’s Hospital, Dublin in 2016 and is an honorary lecturer at Trinity College Medical School, Dublin. He is a committee member of the Irish Cardiac Society.

Departments & Services

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