Mr Tony Moloney

Contact Details
Areas of Specialty
- Vascular Surgery
- Vascular Services
- Varicose Vein
- Venous Ulcer
Training & Experience:
Mr Tony Moloney, a native of Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, received his medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1999. He then went on to complete Basic and Higher Surgical Training, a Higher Diploma in Quality in Healthcare, a Doctor of Medicine Master’s and in 2009, he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Tony spent 6 years in Toronto where in 2010, he completed a 1-year Fellowship. In 2010, Tony was a Vascular Surgeon at the Toronto General Hospital before moving to St Michael’s Hospital Toronto from 2011 until 2015.
While in Toronto Tony was also an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto and Clinical Director of the Vascular Laboratory. In addition, he completed another Master’s in eHealth at McMaster University. Academically, Tony launched and managed an international multi-centre quality database, the SVS Vascular Quality Initiative. In collaboration with McMaster University, he also designed online solutions for risk factor management in peripheral arterial disease.
Tony was appointed as a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at University Hospital Limerick in 2015. Since then, he has had a number of positions including Associate Clinical Director; Administrative Head, Department of Surgery; Clinical Lead & Administrative Head, Department of Vascular Surgery; Clinical Director of the Non-invasive Vascular Laboratory; and Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of Limerick. Recently, Tony was the Secretary of the Irish Vascular Society and he was involved in the Vascular Surgery’s Model of Care Document publication.
Over his years of practice, he has gained considerable experience in all facets of Vascular Surgery and Medicine including open aortic and endovascular surgery; carotid surgery; open, percutaneous and hybrid procedures for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease; and open, endovenous, and medical management of varicose veins and venous ulcers.
Mr Tony Moloney is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Beacon Hospital and Beacon Limerick.

Departments & Services

Beacon Limerick

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